Monday, August 8, 2011

4 month check-up

Bailey Family Website  <----Check out our other website for updated pictures and journal entries!

Today was Lyla's 4 month check-up.  She did great and only cried when she got her shots!  She is now 15 lbs 6 ounces (87%) and 26 inches long (96%).  She also started rice cereal today and loved it! She opened her mouth for it and smiled really big after each bite.  I don't think she understood to swallow it though! She'll figure it out soon enough!  Now she's taking a nice nap and soon it will be bath time and bed time!  That's all for now!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our New Website

Here is our new Shutterfly website.  I will update this much more often, so feel free to check it out.  You can also order pictures straight from here to be printed at Walgreens/Target/etc!

Lyla Verona Bailey

I'm not sure how i've neglected the blog for so long, but here's the latest...

Lyla Verona was born on April 7, 2011 @ 12:48 pm.  She was 7 lbs 15 and 20 inches long.  She was healthy and happy!

I went in on April 6 to be induced and things were going fine until the next day.  When they started giving me pitocin to induce the labor, Lyla's heart rate went down.  They took me off the pitocin and tried again.  Same thing happened, so they decided on a C-Section.  The operation went fine and Tim even got to watch  her be born!  Then, I saw her for a few seconds before they took her away with Tim.  He got to carry her to the waiting room where my mom and Sydney were waiting, while I got stitched up.  It seemed like an eternity on the operating table when all I wanted to do was see my girl!!

Here are a few pictures from the hospital...

Lyla is doing well, now.  The first couple weeks were rough and she lost a lot of weight because she was too impatient to breastfeed.  Now, she eats both breast milk and formula and she's doing great! At her last appointment, she was over 10 lbs and 24 inches long.  She was in the 95 percentile on height!  Tall girl!  She has already changed so much.  She is very alert and follows you with her eyes now.  She loves her hands and sucks on them constantly, especially if she's hungry!  She sticks her tongue out a lot and will sometimes copy you if you do it.  She makes some babbling noises but usually gets frustrated because she can't figure out how to talk back.  She smiles a lot more than before, especially for Mommy and Daddy.  Overall, she's doing great!!

Here are some pictures from the past 2 months...

                                                 ...That's all for now!  I'll update again later!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not that I've changed too much, but here is one last picture of the giant belly!  

We will be heading to the hospital at 7:15 pm tomorrow (Wednesday) so they can induce me and Lyla should arrive sometime on Thursday, the 7th!  

The doctor thinks she is 8-8.5 lbs maybe bigger, doubtfully smaller.  Hopefully being induced will prevent us from having to do a C-Section, but we will see!  

Hopefully my next post will be pictures of Lyla!  Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

So, Lyla is officially "term" now, so she can be born whenever she feels like it!!

Spring Break was last week and we went to my parents, which was nice because I could lay in the pool all week, feeling weightless!  Here are a couple pics... Scary, I know!

Anyways, we have a doctors appointment today.  Hopefully we'll have a better timeline of when she might make her appearance!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's a girl!

Well, I haven't updated in a LONG time, but here's a quick update! So, our trip to Europe this summer was great and we came back with a surprise...a baby girl!

School was starting and I just was not feeling great and felt a little off, so I took a pregnancy test and sure enough, it was positive!  So, our little girl is due April 15, but we think she'll be early!  Here is the evolution of the belly so far!

The day we found out it's a girl!  (We wore pink shirts to school.)

Well, I have about 4 more weeks of school until Spring Break and I plan on working the week after Spring Break with my long-term sub to help her get situated and then taking my leave.  Doctor says she could come as early as last week of March but she'll more likely arrive the first week of April.  We can't wait!  Once we have her room set up, i'll post those pictures!