So, today is a typical Sunday morning. Our routine is to wake up early by the sound of Kye pawing at the door, ready to be fed. So, one of us gets up to feed him and at that point it's hard to go back to sleep. Tim starts a load of laundry as I make some coffee and grab the newspapers. Today's Houston Chronicle is the start of a new section that I'm pretty excited about: The Good Life. It is basically a combination of fashion, travel, home, etc. Sounds like my kind of section!
So, we enjoy our papers and coffee, then make something for breakfast. This morning we had breakfast sandwiches: a biscuit with a poached egg, bacon, and cheese. They are pretty good.
Kye has unfortunately been sick the last two days. Apparently it is not good to feed cats ONLY dry food and tap water. They also have to have some wet food and should be drinking distilled water. Now Kye has what is like a bladder infection. Poor thing. He doesn't act like he's in pain, but he feels like he has to go to the bathroom a million times a day, when really he doesn't. The vet said there's nothing to worry about, and it happens fairly regularly, as the minerals in our tap water are the main cause of the problem. If, however, he becomes totally blocked and can't go to the bathroom at all, then we have a problem. His new diet should resolve this issue, though, and now we know what we should have been doing all along! Luckily, Kye really likes his wet food, as the vet said cats sometimes don't. We also recently grew a plant for Kye. We bought the kit at Target, and its supposed to be something cats like to chew on, and it's definitely true. When we finally gave it to him after letting it grow for awhile, he chewed at it for a long time.
Well, I just thought I would update, seeing as I hadn't in a LONG time. I wish I could get Tim to write more for the blog... He's worse than me!